LIT Life + Yoga
Sécurité et hygiène
Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par LIT Life + Yoga et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 27/01/21.
Politique concernant le port du masque
Masks are required in Lobby and during class. Medical exemptions accepted.
Mesures de distanciation sociale
Floor markers indicate spots for mats 6 feet apart.
Système de ventilation
iWave Air Purification Systems clean our air. This system eliminates 99.4% of airborne pathogens, including coronavirus. When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke and odors in the air.
Désinfection supplémentaire
All equipment and surfaces sanitized in-between classes.microSURE technology + spray treatment safeguards against 99.99% of germs and bacteria, including coronavirus. Formulation instantly kills germs on contact, offers three months of protection, and is a non-toxic, eco-friendly formulation.
Parmi les meilleurs cours de
Mat Pilates
Jasmine JonesStay L I T (Infrared Warm)
Miranda AmeyExtra L I T (Infrared Hot)
Jendy DunlopL I T Air: Flow & Restore
Chelsea WilsonAvis sur LIT Life + Yoga
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