BeHot Yoga Toronto
Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.
Sécurité et hygiène
Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par BeHot Yoga Toronto et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 31/07/24.
Système de ventilation
Masks are not required and we do not have a vaccination policy. The wearing of masks is supported if you wish to do so. Hepa filters, upgraded ventilation, air exchange recovery system.
Désinfection supplémentaire
Yoga rooms and studio are cleaned regularly.
Capacité limitée
We are operating at 80% capacity. Our large yoga room which can usually accommodate 55 people, will now be limited to 42 to provide a comfortable experience. Our smaller yoga room which usually holds 18 is now down to 14..
Enregistrement sans contact
Check in verbally with the front desk.
BeHot Yoga Toronto
Parmi les meilleurs cours de
mer. 5 févr.
60 min
Original Hot Yoga 60 (with music)
Joanne Gray60 min
Original Hot Yoga 60
Winny Clarke45 min
Hot Hiit Pilates (45 min)
Lindsey Hilliard60 min
Original Hot Yoga 60
Linda Gallant60 min
Vinyasa Flow - Heated
Una Filipovic45 min
Hot Hiit Pilates (50 min)
Gloria Di Santo60 min
Vinyasa Flow - Heated
Matt Zen60 min
Vin-Lates - A Vinyasa Flow and Hot Hiit Pilates mix!
Cassandra Cooper60 min
Yin Yoga - Reduced Heat
Lindsey HilliardAvis sur BeHot Yoga Toronto
4,830 000+ évaluations
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Aucun avis.
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