Capitol Floats

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Capitol Floats et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 28/07/20.

Politique concernant le port du masque

Masks are mandatory for both staff and customers when in the lobby or post float area. We have extra masks if you forget yours

Mesures de distanciation sociale

Floor markers are in place and appointments are utilized to ensure customers have a safe distance between each other. Social distancing is something we specialize in ;)

Désinfection supplémentaire

Sanitation has always been our highest priority. All of our cleaning products are CDC approved and each float room and sauna is completely sanitized between each customer. We have adjusted our schedule to allow staff more time for sanitation and cleaning.

Enregistrement sans contact

We have changed our checkin policy and waivers to be through text message now. We will walk you through this when you arrive just be sure to bring your cell phone.


dim. 19 mai
20 min

The Somadome (20 mins)

Avis sur Capitol Floats

500+ évaluations
Aucun avis.

Comment se préparer



Comment s’y rendre

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