Enlumnia Energetic Health & Wellness

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Enlumnia Energetic Health & Wellness et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 11/12/23.

Politiques de vaccination

No client vaccinations are required. Our staff is completely vaccinated in accordance of local and federal healthcare laws and regulations, as well as for the safety of our clients and practitioners.

Politique concernant le port du masque

No masks are required. You may wear a mask if you feel more comfortable. If you have developed a slight cough or sneeze with the last 24 hours or feel sick, it might be best to schedule for another time.

Système de ventilation

We allow fresh air and sunlight to sweep through, cleanse and sanitize our healing space , and maintain ventilation with a professional HAVC air conditioning, heating and highest quality air filters.

Désinfection supplémentaire

The energy in our space is cleansed before and after all sessions. We initiate and maintain a safe, harmonized and energized healing space for you and our practitioners. All equipment and contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized physically and energetically before and after each session.


dim. 28 avr.
Aucune prochaine réservation n'est disponible pour ce jour

Avis sur Enlumnia Energetic Health & Wellness

58 évaluations
Aucun avis.

Comment se préparer



Hispanic/ Latinx-owned


Wheelchair accessible



Comment s’y rendre