Everyday Ballet
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Everyday Ballet and were last updated on 4/18/24.
Social distancing measures
Our studio is large and allows attendees to maintain social distance at all times.
Ventilation system
Our studio is very large (30' x 43') has ample ventilation/cross ventilation with large open windows, fans, and air filtration.
Extra sanitation
The studio, bathroom, and dressing areas are cleaned daily. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes are available throughout the studio and we encourage everyone to use them!
Limited capacity
Maximum class size is 12 people. Our studio space is very large (30' x 43') and allows attendees to maintain at least 10 feet of social distance at all times.
Sat, Feb 15
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
Everyday Ballet Reviews
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How to prepare