Fifth Avenue Acupuncture & Herbs Center

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Fifth Avenue Acupuncture & Herbs Center et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 21/10/21.

Politique concernant le port du masque

All office stuff and patients will be asked to wear a facial mask in the office area. After the treatment and I left the treatment room, it will be optional for you to take out the mask during the treatment session.

Mesures de distanciation sociale

6 feet social distance is required in my office. I will try to book patient every one and half hour apart, by this way patient will not meet in person and I also have time to disinfect the treatment room.

Désinfection supplémentaire

Every patient will be ask use hand sanitizer after use building elevator. Once patients arrive the office, I will offer hands sanitizer to them again. The office door knobs and office / treatment room surface will be disinfected by me throughout the day.

Capacité limitée

I will arrange patients one and half hour apart to try to avoid patients meet each other in the office .


mar. 21 janv.
Aucune prochaine réservation n'est disponible pour ce jour

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