Joy of Motion Dance Center - - Atlas On H Street NE

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Joy of Motion Dance Center - et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 03/12/23.

Politique concernant le port du masque

All guests will be required to wear a mask that hooks behind the ears (all staff/faculty members will be required to wear masks as well). If you do not have a mask or if the mask breaks, we will provide you with a disposable mask for the duration of your visit, free of charge.

Mesures de distanciation sociale

Guests in the lobby and throughout the studio will be required to maintain a safe social distance of 6 feet apart from each other guest.

Désinfection supplémentaire

Studio operation hours and class hours will be modified to allow for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of every studio space both before and after use. This includes disinfecting flat surfaces, as well as daily disinfecting of our studio floors.

Capacité limitée

Adult drop-in classes are currently capped at a reduced capacity to ensure a safe, socially distanced in-person dance experience

Parmi les meilleurs cours de


sam. 18 mai
Aucune prochaine réservation n'est disponible pour ce jour

Avis sur Joy of Motion Dance Center -

2 500+ évaluations
Aucun avis.

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