Life Strength Fit
Sécurité et hygiène
Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Life Strength Fit et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 07/01/25.
Politique concernant le port du masque
Masks are optional. If you're feeling sick, please reschedule for a day that you're feeling well, will personally benefit more, and keep others feeling healthy.
Système de ventilation
The gym has a centralized HVAC system along with tons of huge fans to ventilate the space.
Désinfection supplémentaire
The gym gets sanitized and cleaned multiple times per day.
Capacité limitée
Maximum class size is 6 people. This allows each client to get plenty of coaching that pushes them just beyond their comfort level so they always improve. You also will have peace of mind that you won’t hurt yourself, and will get detailed coaching on how to do every exercise safely and effectively.
Jill lost 12lbs and SO MANY inches
Jose lost 18lbs, dropped his blood pressure by 19 points, and 7.5 inches in just 4 weeks
Donna's Success Story
James's Success Story!
Heather's Success Story!
Kristin's Success Story!
Mike's Success Story!
Jess's Success Story!
Tim's Success Story
Avis sur Life Strength Fit
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Comment se préparer
Wheelchair accessible