M2 Fitness Club Penang
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by M2 Fitness Club Penang and were last updated on 11/23/23.
Vaccination policies
Only members/ client who are fully vaccinated with 2 doses of the COVID-19 & 14 days AFTER the 2 dose of the vaccine will be allowed into the studio.Only client with status ‘Blue’ - low risk are allowed to enter the studio .
Mask-wearing policies
Mask on before enter and after leaving the studio.
Ventilation system
We keep the door or windows open for fresh air and the ventilation fans will be on during class OR we have extra ventilation fans on.
Extra sanitation
All equipment and highly touch will be deep cleaned between each class and between use.
Wed, Feb 12
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
M2 Fitness Club Penang Reviews
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How to prepare