Powder Beauty Co.
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by Powder Beauty Co. and were last updated on 5/21/24.
Vaccination policies
Clients over age 12 must provide proof of vaccination. Customers seeking an exemption must show proof of medical or religious accommodation and a negative PCR test result taken within the prior three days.
Mask-wearing policies
Masks are required, no matter your vaccination status.
Ventilation system
We use a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter to reduce the risk of airborne pathogens from COVID-19.
Extra sanitation
We are very serious about your health, and the health of our employees. In addition to our already stringent sanitation standards, all high touch surfaces are cleaned between each use and all metal implements are sanitized using a high quality pre-vacuum autoclave.
Tue, Feb 11
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