Studio Pilates International - Coorparoo

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par Studio Pilates International et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 23/07/20.

Mesures de distanciation sociale

Physical corrections and modifications will only be used when required for safety purposes and hand sterilisation by the instructor will take place immediately afterwards. Generally, we will use verbal and visual cues only, to help minimise any health risks.

Désinfection supplémentaire

An intensive deep clean of our studio and all equipment are being undertaken between each morning, noon and evening session. We are also paying extra attention to disinfecting all high-touch areas such as door handles, and bench tops at the end of each class and deep cleaning our hand straps daily.

Politique concernant l'équipement

Our alcohol-based disinfecting wipes are used to clean the equipment after every class. Clients are guided to thoroughly wipe down ALL equipment after each class. Non-slip mats are available for purchase in studio. These are no longer part of the equipment provided.


mar. 4 juin
45 min

Reformer Workout

Christina F
45 min

Reformer Workout

Jodie M
45 min

Reformer Workout

Jodie M
45 min

Reformer Workout

Nicole C
45 min

Reformer Workout

Nicole C

Avis sur Studio Pilates International

1 000+ évaluations
Aucun avis.

Comment se préparer



Comment s’y rendre

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