The Kynd Space | Mat Studio
Sécurité et hygiène
Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par The Kynd Space | Mat Studio et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 31/12/24.
Système de ventilation
We have several heating, ventilation and air cooling systems throughout the entire studio.
Capacité limitée
Maximum class size is 27 students.
Enregistrement sans contact
- Please upon timely arrival, pass by the counter to check-in at the tablet with the host / teacher.- The front door will be closed punctually as of the class start, to ensure undisturbed, serene, effective & meaningful class hours. No latecomers to honor the group in the class.
Accès limité aux installations
We have many beautiful things but no showers available (this was not allowed to build in the venue).
mer. 5 févr.
50 min
Pilates & Pulse
Susana Vie45 min
Mat Pilates | Reformer-Inspired
Ana Malato50 min
Yoga Pilates Flow
Sofia Bichão60 min
Candlelit Yin Yoga
Isabel Costa MacedoAvis sur The Kynd Space | Mat Studio
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