The Studio (MDR) - East
This business is in a different timezone.
Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by The Studio (MDR) and were last updated on 10/14/24.
Ventilation system
We have invested in a MERV-13 Electrostatic Air Filtration System to purify and keep the air clean and safe.
Extra sanitation
We spray down Megaformers with CLEAR GEAR before and after class.Wipes are left on the Megaformers towards the end of class for you to wipe down your machine after class.
Contactless check-in
Make sure to check in with the front desk associate when you arrive. If you are new, please sign the waiver online prior to coming in and let us know that you are new when you come in. Thanks!
Sat, Jan 25
45 min
Charley GribbleThe Studio (MDR) Reviews
4.930,000+ ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare