The Studio. Physio & Pilates

Ce partenaire est dans un fuseau horaire différent.

Sécurité et hygiène

Les consignes en matière de sécurité sont établies par The Studio. Physio & Pilates et ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le 17/01/23.

Politique concernant le port du masque

Physiotherapists and massage therapists are wearing masks during appointments.

Mesures de distanciation sociale

Our class numbers are already small allowing maximum space for each participant however we have further reduced these numbers to ease any stress for participants and to ensure social distancing requirements are met

Désinfection supplémentaire

All equipment is thoroughly cleaned after every use. Studio spaces are constantly monitored and cleaned. Clients are asked to sanitise on arrival

Capacité limitée

Class numbers reduced to ensure confidence, safety and comfort for participants. Social distancing requirements adhered to.

Parmi les meilleurs cours de


mer. 5 juin
45 min

Reformer Pilates (45mins)

Chelsey Cameron
45 min

Mat Pilates

Jade Tye
45 min

HIIT / Circuit training

Abby Docking (Physio/Pilates)
45 min

Reformer Pilates (45mins)

Chelsey Cameron
45 min


Jade Tye
50 min

Power Pilates

Chelsey Cameron
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Jade Tye
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Sian Murat
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Sian Murat
45 min

Over 50s Strength Class

Abby Docking (Physio/Pilates)
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Sian Murat
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Eimear Connolly (Physio/Pilates)
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Sian Murat
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Jacqui Cheng (Physio/Pilates)
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Flo Bardot
50 min

Prenatal Mat Pilates

Alyssa Mesiti (Physio/Pilates)
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Kara Billsborough
50 min

Reformer Pilates

Kara Billsborough

Avis sur The Studio. Physio & Pilates

15 000+ évaluations
Aucun avis.

Comment se préparer




Conseils d'expert

Comment s’y rendre

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