• Yoga Club HK
    Yoga, Étirements, …

    Yoga Club HK

    Room 1703, 17/F, Sunbeam Commercial Building, 469-471 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    [尖沙咀] Chair Yoga 椅子瑜伽

    My ever first review here. I really enjoyed the yoga class this evening. The instructor was not only kind but also incredibly attentive to detail. Her adjustments in alignment made a significant difference in my practice. I felt the benefits of her guidance. Such a great experience!
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    This club provides various community yoga classes. Any group is also welcome to co…
  • Studio Sage
    Yoga, Prénatal, …

    Studio Sage

    19 Hung To Road, Room 1707, Fullerton Centre, Hong Kong

    牛頭角 頭倒立入門 - Headstand Intro (6 Credits) [ntk]

    I have already practice headstand for a while, however i still can bearly lift myself up without a kick or jump. In this lesson, teacher focus on how to lift up slowly, and steady, every steps was clear and precise! Will definitely join next week ❤️
    Voir tous les avis
    Studio Sage 創辦人練習瑜伽已超過十年, 由於希望將瑜伽此項有益身心運動感染更多朋友, 於2019年新冠疫情爆發期間於牛頭角創辦第一間瑜伽學校Studio…
  • Positiff Studio
    Yoga, Méditation, …

    Positiff Studio

    26 Hung To Road, Kowloon
    Règles de sécurité

    Aerial Yoga (Level 1) 初級空中瑜伽

    Tiffany is nice, patient and professional. Enjoy joining her class!
    Voir tous les avis
    我們是位於牛頭角的瑜伽中心, 我們提供各類型的地面/空中瑜伽﹑運動以及療癒課堂, 小班教學, 亦提供租埸服務~ Positiff這個字並非真實存在, 而是取…

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